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Calcium deposits, often known as limescale, are caused by calcium carbonate or bicarbonate, which dissolves salts in water. Hard water is defined as having high levels of calcium and other minerals.

Your faucets and other water-using appliances will have a lot of white buildup or scale if your water is hard. The accumulation may seem rusty and may discolor your sink if your water also has a lot of iron.

We are here to tell you some proven tips and home remedies on how to remove calcium deposits from faucets.

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How to get rid of calcium deposits from faucets

Cleaning through synthetic acids:

You can purchase various cleaners from shops with muriatic acid or sulfuric acid as a key cleaning ingredient. Their primary function is removing cloggings and calcium buildup, but they can be hazardous to your faucets and cause irritation over your skin. Perhaps artificial acids have the potential to damage your faucet out surface permanently. Fortunately, you can use some safer acids in their place.


You can remove calcium deposits from the faucet using 3% white vinegar. Everyone has vinegar at home for making food salads, which can be used in the marination. Just dip a cloth in vinegar and wipe the faucet surface every day. The process will prevent calcium deposits over the faucet surface, and its surface will shine brightly.

Citrus fruits:

You can use lemon juice and oranges to clean the surface of your faucets every day. These synthetic acids are not harmful to your skin and to your faucets.

Soft drinks:

You can use soda drinks like cola to remove the stains and calcium deposits from your faucet.

Baking soda:

The calcium deposited afflicted regions can be treated using a water paste and baking soda. Wipe the paste away after waiting 10 to 15 minutes for shiny results.

Procedure to clean Calcium deposits from faucets:

Required material:

  • Gloves
  • Brush or sponge
  • a plastic bag
  • Rubberband
  • Towel
  • rag
  • Pliers


  • Once you’ve acquired your materials, start cleaning the faucet’s exterior.
  • Put a few paper towels or rag strips in the white vinegar to soak.
  • Rubber bands should be used to secure them after wrapping them around the faucet’s trouble spots. Give them at least an hour to sit.
  • After that, use a moist sponge or rag to clean the faucet.
  • If the sponge or towel isn’t scrubbing the area well enough, apply a magic eraser now. Finally, let the faucet dry thoroughly.

Cleaning through  Artificial acids:

Acid Muriatic

Strong hydrochloric-based muriatic acid works well as a descaler. This acid’s strength enables it to dissolve thick lime and calcium deposits seen in swimming pools and urinals. However, because of this cleaner’s strength, it may harm the eyes and any exposed skin. When handling it, it is advisable to use the utmost caution or to delegate the task to someone who has received training in handling the drug.

How to clean the calcium deposits inside the faucet:

how to remove calcium deposit

The aerators inside of faucets and showerheads, as well as their ends, are impacted by calcium accumulation. The accumulation may even partially obstruct the faucet, causing the water to drip unevenly rather than flow.

Fill a sandwich bag with vinegar, then fasten it to the end of your faucet with a rubber band to clean it and, ideally, the grubby aerator.

So that the vinegar may travel as far into the faucet as feasible, the faucet tip should be completely immersed. After an hour or two, leave the bag and clean the faucet with a sponge, towel, or magic eraser.

Before turning on the water again, let the faucet dry completely. After soaking the faucet’s end, if the water flow problem persists, you may need to unscrew the faucet and immerse the aerator in vinegar before cleaning them. Then take a toothbrush and scrub the internal part of the faucets.

How to prevent calcium deposits on your faucets:

Additionally, calcium accumulation can lead to pipe clogs, reduced water pressure, and pipe replacement. Installing a water softener is the most significant approach to avoid calcium buildup and extend the life of your plumbing system. If you already have one, keep it in good working order.

Installing a water softening system is one of the most excellent methods to stop issues with your appliances, pipes, and faucets. These systems use ion exchange to purify the water in your home, removing magnesium and calcium.

It’s critical to keep the faucets clean and the aerator clear by doing routine cleaning using white vinegar or lemon juice if installing a softener in your house is not an option.


What breaks down calcium and hard water deposits?

Vinegar-dipped cloth or bags should be wrapped around your faucet. After leaving it there for many hours, wipe the surface. A paste of a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can also be used to extract calcium deposits.

How to remove calcium deposits from metal?

Scrub the gunk before using a wet towel to remove the rusted stains. Once this is finished, make a paste by blending two parts baking soda with one part vinegar. Rub it onto all of the surfaces impacted by the calcium accumulation. Let the mineral deposits soften for around five minutes by leaving the paste on the faucet’s surface.

How to prevent calcium buildup on Meon faucets?

Additionally, calcium accumulation can lead to pipe clogs, reduced water pressure, and pipe replacement. Installing a water softener is the most excellent approach to avoiding calcium buildup and extending your plumbing system’s life.

How to prevent calcium buildup on Meon faucets

How to remove calcium deposits on porcelain and plastic?

If you are confused on how to remove calcium deposits from faucets with porcelain or plastic material. You can use a vinegar-dipped cloth to wipe out the calcium deposits on plastic and porcelain. It’s relatively easy compared to removing calcium deposits from a metallic surface.

Why calcium deposits on faucets:

The fifth most prevalent element in the planet’s crust is calcium, most of which is found as calcium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate, which may liquefy into groundwater and finally make their way into household water supplies.

Everyone has to deal with hard water, which has a lot of calcium deposits. Still, individuals who obtain their water from wells are the most impacted since it frequently results in calcium buildup on faucets that can be difficult to remove.

Bottom lines:

Minerals will eventually build up around your gadgets if you have hard water. The calcium accumulation that causes the grimy, scaly deposits is nontoxic, but they look pretty bad.

Using our advice, you may remove the calcium deposits from your faucet. However, regular cleaning of your faucets is necessary to stop further damage.

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Thomas Louis

Im, Thomas Louis, a passionate faucet and kitchen gadget expert. Im your trusted source for all things related to enhancing your culinary space. With years of dedicated research and a keen eye for innovation, I have established myself as a go-to authority in the world of kitchen fixtures, faucets and gadgets. Whether you're seeking the perfect faucet to complement your kitchen's aesthetic or looking for the latest kitchen gadgets to streamline your cooking experience,As a chief contributor at, I am committed to simplifying your decision-making process when it comes to kitchen upgrades. My insightful blogs provide a wealth of information, from faucet buying guides to gadget reviews that cater to both novice home chefs and seasoned culinary enthusiasts.

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